I see humans, but not humanity.
Walking for the first time through the streets of Elbasan, Albania those words caught my eye spray painted on the side of a building. This nation captured my heart almost immediately. The beauty of the mountains almost engulfed an almost desolate and quiet city, a nation that had been isolated in the world for years. In my own life I have been wrestling with the brokenness of humanity and how much hurt and pain it can cause, so I could almost feel it walking through this city. Every night so far I will wake up to the Muslim call to prayer and I will start crying out and praying for these people. It’s like the whole city is at a stand still, not only physically but spiritually. None very invested in the Muslim faith almost like America with Christianity. Religion passed on from family to family, but none of it tangible enough to be their own. Because of this I know God can move, He moves in the stillness, He speaks in a whisper. That’s how I feel about this city and about this nation, ready and expectant for something to happen. The people I’ve met in this city with the most genuine faith are the children. It was refreshing to see all these kids smiling with pure and genuine joy in a world full of a lot of evil. I could tell they understood and fully knew the love of God. It was like Jesus was right there among them smiling and laughing. I saw them as a generation rising up, changing the whole course of their families’ and nation’s history. A silent nation, but a nation of peace and steadiness, ready to hear and receive the Lord, and the children were a picture of that. They were like a beam of light in my own life but also in this city. I’m expectant to see what the Lord will do here in this city and it is a privilege to be here to walk along side Him in it.
“My people will abide in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.”
Isaiah 32:18
Wow! Julia, this was beautiful and extremely profound. Amazing post