As I’ve been walking through Spain, I’ve noticed the many burn marks along the country side. How quickly life can turn into desolate destruction. It’s a little sad, seeing how quickly something can sweep in and destroy. But I remember when my own home town was on fire in Colorado and someone telling me how important fires truly are to the world. It’s a purifying process, and life only grows more abundant after the destruction. The pine cones in the trees need to be burned in order for them to open up, allowing the seeds in them to fall to the ground to create new life. It’s a beautiful cycle and an image of how God also purifies us through our struggles.
This morning we walked through a valley with a large burn mark, with many new green trees sprinkled among them and Seth Barnes compared it as a metaphor for my generation. He explained how Gen Z was like that burn mark. It wasn’t an insult, or meant to call us desolate and broken. Instead it was an image of hope. We have been through a process of purification. We are given the perfect conditions to run and flourish. I see my generation as a generation ready to stand up in full confidence where we need people to be bold. It isn’t a time to be complacent in our faith. This image although still revealing the attack the enemy has over my generation, but also revealed how much breakthrough, freedom, and new life my generation could grasp onto and fully walk in. It won’t be easy, it will take full surrender and obedience, but it starts with the little green sprout; it starts with hope.
“He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully. He will receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation. Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek the face of the God of Jacob. Selah”
Psalm 24:4-6
The verse that comes to my mind for you as I read your blog is, God created you “for such a time as this”. Esther 4:14. It is beautiful to read all of the things God is teaching you. May God continue to reveal Himself to you. Love you 💗
I have great hope in your generation because of amazing people like you and your friends!