
Life as a Disciple

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Change is one of the scariest things for me, I hate the idea of not being in full control. However, God uses our biggest fears and weaknesses for His glory and that is what I am slowly learning. A few weeks ago changes with my trip were made unexpectedly. Because a few of the churches we were partnering with in Italy will not be fully present in our trip, the team has pressed into praying about what is in store for us the next few months. Seth Barnes gave us the opportunity to do something more physically, mentally, and spiritually challenging. But isn’t that the beauty of faith? We are called higher than our own understanding and are given the strength and resources to grow.

Camino de Santiago is a popular pilgrimage that runs through Spain. In total it is 500 miles, but we will be doing the second half, so close to 250 miles of walking for the first 2 weeks of our trip. There is a beauty in pressing in physically that allows us to also go deeper spiritually. We will be intentionally seeking God’s voice while hiking to see where God is working and where He is calling us to go. Just like Jesus’s disciples, a life of mission is asking where God is already at work and going there, it is a partnership. Sometimes we don’t even ask where God wants us to go because we like to be in full control. However, God’s invitation is so much bigger. We get to partner with Him and when we let Him guide all of our steps, where He leads will be far more fulfilling than anything we can comprehend on our own.

“The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.”

Psalm 37:23-24

One response to “Hearing God’s Voice”

  1. This is going to be amazing for you and the team! We can’t wait to see how the Lord will work in and through you during this incredible opportunity.

Julia Cunneff

Julia Cunneff is a recent highschool graduate from Colorado Springs. She has been working on getting college credits throughout high school and is still working towards her degree, while also doing the things shes passionate about. She is very adventurous, loves the outdoors, photography, and fitness. She has a heart for serving and helping the people of the Church, not only in her hometown, but also globally.