
Life as a Disciple

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It’s just a rock.


I looked up at the piles and piles of rocks surrounding a solitary cross on a gloomy, foggy morning. It felt heavy. It was like I was carrying every single one of those stones in my pack, but in reality I held one small stone in my hand. A symbol of surrender. I’m a feeler and every single rock held a meaning, a weight that clung in the air. I didn’t know what to do, so I stood there watching as people one by one walked up that hill and then walked down with somber eyes. You would think letting go of the extra weight would be relieving, but in reality we all have to mourn what we let go of, even if the thing we are letting go of caused us more pain than good. We have to lose parts of ourselves to find who we truly are; children of God. The rocks have no true power, they’re just a symbol. It’s just a symbol.

So I walked up that hill, fully surrendered, fully known, fully loved, but I let go of my little rock. That little rock had many things written on it, my family, my future, my worth, all things I have surrendered to God over and over. But this time it felt different. I didn’t want to let it go. I thought I could save my family.  I thought I could determine my future. I thought I wasn’t worthy. I guess it was freeing, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt. It hurt a lot.

I started to walk around, reading other rocks on that pile. One read “Are You Proud?” that one hurt. Another had the flag of Colorado, a place I love and call home. Others had names; names of family members, friends, loved ones, enemies, those we’ve lost and those we’ve chosen to let go. I watched as an older man placed three rocks down with tears in his eyes, I could only imagine how hard that was for him. I watched as a mother and her son put down two little stone hearts. The son embraced his mom as tears streamed down both their faces. It hurts letting go, but it is something we all have to do. It’s a choice, let go or hold on and let it weigh you down.

Slowly we walked past the cross, it’s peak faded in the distance, along with my little stone. The air still felt heavy and it began to rain, pour. It wasn’t long before all of us were drenched as we started hiking up the peaks in front of us. We had a long trek in front of us. But slowly the clouds started to reveal the sun behind them, and we walked into a clearing. For the first time since we started walking we saw the mountains surrounding us. Freedom. The fog was gone, the heaviness shifted and I envisioned the vastness of God’s love being the mountains surrounding us. This wasn’t the end of our trek, we continued to walk for another 10 miles, but slowly, just like in life, the atmosphere shifted, the heaviness lifted, the light began to shine on our faces again like the sweetness of the Father’s embrace.

We strip the heavy, dirty, messy parts of ourselves away to make room for the wholeness and tender, sweet love of God. We lose pieces of ourselves, but in it we find beauty.

4 responses to “Losing Yourself”

  1. Wow, that brought tears to my eyes. I can really relate to how hard it is to let things go. It’s hard to trust God. Our humanness wants so badly to hold on and try to control things. I think it is a daily surrender. As I remember God’s faithfulness in the past, it is easier to surrender things in the present. I think that is why we are called to remember and testify to God’s goodness in our lives. I was also reminded today of how healthy it is to bring our raw emotions to God. He wants us to be authentic with Him and He can handle it. It’s exciting to hear how God is working in your life! Mom

  2. I love your transparency Julia. Such a lovely sharing. Glad your relationship with Christ is deepening and growing. We pray daily for you and your team. We’re so proud of you and how you’re sharing your journey. Love you! Grandma Cunneff.

  3. Julia 😭 this was beautiful. It made me tear up. Thank you for sharing. You walk in God’s love and intentionality so well.

Julia Cunneff

Julia Cunneff is a recent highschool graduate from Colorado Springs. She has been working on getting college credits throughout high school and is still working towards her degree, while also doing the things shes passionate about. She is very adventurous, loves the outdoors, photography, and fitness. She has a heart for serving and helping the people of the Church, not only in her hometown, but also globally.